Friday, October 17, 2014

Ebola, the one we lost


Good news! So far everyone in the United States has survived Ebola, except one. Those who are currently infected with Ebola are being treated in our hospital system, are improving, and by all accounts for now, are on the mend. I am grateful, but then there is Duncan, the one who died.


Who knows where Ebola will take its toll next, we simply do not know. We have no idea how far reaching Ebola could become, before it all ends. But there are a few things we do understand about Ebola. According to the CDC, Ebola is transferred from one person to another, that being; sweat, saliva, blood, stool and urine. The CDC and WHO (World Health Organization) also said, that Ebola can live outside the body for a period of time, and the CDC said the first symptoms are usually a fever, headache and stomach pains.


Reassuring news for the majority


 We also know so far that the majority of the populace will never come into contact with a person infected with Ebola.  Our primary concern and urgent need per President Obama and the CDC is for containment of Ebola at its source of outbreak, being parts of West Africa. Our secondary concern is for all persons traveling from the affected areas, be sure they are well and have not been in direct contact with any person with Symptoms of Ebola. Those who are American citizens, who have tested positive for the Ebola Virus in Africa, are being flown home with all precautions taken, and transferred directly to the hospital. So far, the Survivor rate has been very good.


Weakness, vomiting, diarrhea

and all other survivors of Ebola

The percentage rate of transmission to health care workers caring for those infected with Ebola IN THE UNITED STATES? Has been extremely low per the CDC. Few people who have been quarantined IN THE UNITED STATES have tested positive for the Ebola virus to date.


My Hopes


My prayer, and hope for Africa, who has endured so much throughout the ages, is that she as a Continent, will be stronger and more capable to handle these types of outbreaks, including Malaria, which kills thousands every year.


Still, my heart is sad for the one we lost. Thomas Eric Duncan. My heart is glad for Nina Pham. She is a nurse who cared for Thomas Duncan. As of today Nina is doing well.  Many believe that Thomas Duncan could have lived. Many believe that he could have been placed on the “improving’ list but, it will not be so. He was the one we lost.



Update: As of today, 10/15/2014, a second nurse who also treated Thomas Eric Duncan has been diagnosed with the Ebola Virus. The possibly shoddy treatment that Thomas Duncan received may affect more people. Let’s all hope that the CDC guidelines regarding Ebola be adhered to strictly, or else we could have a national emergency on our hands in the United States as well.




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