Thursday, December 26, 2013

Because Justice Isn't Blind.... Part 1

I say it is time for us to change our “justice’ system. Lady Justice is not blind. She sees income, race, notoriety, she pays attention attention to income we all know of a case or cases where we questioned the outcome. From OJ Simpson to George Zimmerman and thousands of other verdicts where we find ourselves angry, stunned or outraged, over the outcome. Even the Judges these days are dumbfounded at the jurors verdicts. I mean really, the Judges are appalled too!  

I believe its fair to say that justice is no longer just. It depends on who you are, who you know, how much affluence you have, even what side of the tracks you’re from, will bring into bearing, the conclusion or sentencing handed down for your crime. Just recently, our cocaine laws were changed to bring about improved equality between the haves, "cocaine cowboys", and the have not, the poor crack head, who were once-upon-a time, mostly black men and women. The "cocaine powder boys" received a much lighter fine /sentence then the crack head, (same cocaine) with two very different outcomes. Let’s call this one, “discriminatory justice’ 

 Two days ago I read of a 16 year old rich kid in Texas who killed 4 persons in his Ford F-10, one was a child. Because he comes from a rich family, he got off Scott free, no really. Let’s call this one “no justice’ or “poor little rich kid justice’ Then you have a Michael Vick who goes to prison for hosting dog fights, no justification, were speaking of justice here. We will call this, “example justice’ or “are you kidding me, justice’. 

 As I said before, Lady Justice is not blind, and neither are we. I say it’s high time we stop pretending as if we have a JUST SYSTEM, by way of laws or punishment and began the process of bringing about a real system that is truly just. Therefore I’m suggesting that we computerize our justice system as far as punishment goes. Let’s take out the people aspect that hangs one man and frees another, for the same crimes, and. a few things must be left out when we do........  (Part 2, to be continued)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

In Memory of the Honorable Nelson Mandela

Again,....another great one is gone from among us, The Honorable Nelson Mandela. From Poverty to prison, from prison to president. Like  a story from the Bible, a black Moses, a Joseph,  who lived his amazing life before us all, and we all were made better because of him. A man of peace, and compassion, a person who live out forgiveness after suffering such great injustices. A man who climbed above the pettiness of small minded men and women who would prefer to keep things as they were, unequal, unjust and apart-heid. A man who encourage me and millions more to forgive our oppressors.. Mandela lived a legacy, if that is possible. He is loved and respected by many, of all races.  He stirred our conscious to act. 

  In memory of Nelson Mandela, who chose to let go of  insurmountable pain and suffering he endured, l say,  why not I?   If Mandela could look past the decades of being imprisoned and come out a free man in his mind and heart, then why not I? . If Mandela could pardon those who treated his brothers and sisters like gum on the bottom of their shoe, then why not I?. If Mandela could rise up out of the trenches of oppression and occasional melancholy because of it, then why not I? In loving memory and gratitude of Nelson Mandela, a man we shall not soon forget.